Disappointed in Google

Don Erickson derick at zeni.net
Sun Jan 8 12:43:29 CST 2006

On Sat, 7 Jan 2006, Nick Manley wrote:

> Is anyone else really disappointed in Google recently?  Do no evil my ass.

I'm not disappointed in Google.  You see, Google actually delivers more 
than they promise, in contrast to traditional software companies that 
historically promise way more than they are capable of delivering.

I realy don't understand how installing Norton Antivirus and Realplayer 
are 1/10th as evil as installing XP, but I'd have to go down the street 
to find an XP box so I'll take your word for it.

> this one finally sent me over the edge.  As you can see I use gmail despite
> it being sub par compared to other free services and now executable are
> blocked in email attachments.  Thanks Google.  It's nice that you are trying
> to protect the newbies but at the very least give me the option to disable
> it.  It is MY email!

This is just silly.  So switch to one of the "better" web-based email 
services.  As you say, it's your email.  Why on earth would you stick with 
a sub-par service?

My thought is, that when a company garners this kind of criticism, it's 
probably more of an indicator of it's ascension rather than an impending 
precipitous fall.  They didn't announce that they were coming out with a 
software pack to save users from their XP boxes.  They gave no guidance on 
this at all, that I'm aware of.



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