Lets clear up some misconceptions

Mike Needham jmneedham at kc.rr.com
Wed Nov 5 19:12:26 CST 2003

On Wednesday 05 November 2003 09:49, Jeremy Fowler wrote:
> Ok, I have no problem with people's opinions, but lets get the facts
> straight:
> 1. Novell never bought Corel Linux, Xandros did.
> http://www.wired.com/news/linux/0,1411,46421,00.html
> 2. The only link Novell has to Corel, is it sold WordPerfect to them in
> 1996 - which Corel still produces.
> http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=Corel/Products/productInfo&
> 3. Corel is still a working viable company owned by Vector Capital.
> http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,4149,1234137,00.asp
> 4. Novell has had stable client that won't crash Windows for years now.
> Your misconception is based on the fact that you were running Win95 as the
> OS. Win95 crashed more than a blind race car driver and blue screened
> whenever you looked at it funny. Ever since Microsoft produced a halfway
> stable desktop OS (Win2k), Novell's client has run very smoothly and
> seamlessly. Plus, with Netware 6 you don't even need the client as you can
> use the native compatibility mode and connect however you wish.
> 5. Novell servers are world renown for being stable and secure. My Novell
> servers are up as much as my Linux servers and the only problem I have ever
> had with them was due to failed hardware. Properly configured and on server
> quality hardware, Novell runs forever. The University of North Carolina is
> a great example of that. They had a Novell server that had been running for
> years without a hitch until they did an audit - to which they couldn't find
> the server. They followed the network cabling and discovered that
> maintenance workers sealed it behind a wall.
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/5/18265.html
> You realize we have been having this argument since 2001... To me that's
> amusing...
> http://www.kclug.org/archives/2001/mar/0095.shtml
> http://www.kclug.org/archives/2001/mar/0102.shtml
> ..and once again in 2002, to which I made my Novell/Linux prediction:
> "I'm sure Novell has some life left in them. Netware may not be around
> forever, but Novell makes other products as well. It's never a good idea to
> discount a company for good. Look at Apple, everyone thought they would be
> gone by now too. OSX has changed all that. Take everything with a grain of
> salt and evaluate products on their features. Don't be too quick to assume
> something is crap just because <fill in name here> made it.

I am going to site one example of this being true... <fill in name here> = 
Microsoft then you can bet it is crap!

> Novell has made
> some strong ties with Linux and I wouldn't be too surprised if Novell
> decided one day to come out with it's own distro."
> http://www.kclug.org/archives/2002/dec/0148.shtml
> plus this rehash in 2003... Lets pick up where we left off in 2004 shall
> we? Maybe then Novell will have proved themselves to you, maybe your
> opinion of Novell will have changed, but I doubt it. Some people just get
> an belief in the head and its next to impossible to get out no matter what
> the evidence is to the contrary.

J. Mike Needham
jmneedham at kc.rr.com
Shawnee, KS  66214

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