Neighborhood "portal" or tiny ISP-type web app

Charles Steinkuehler charles at
Sun Mar 16 02:28:40 CST 2003

Seth Dimbert wrote:

> I'd really recommend PostNuke. I've used it - and I'm not too skilled - to
> create impressive and feature-rich websites, using only tools created by
> other coders. It's really "plug-n-play."
> Or, if all you're looking for is a secure User Registration solution, check
> out Private Area (google it), which is an all-in-one, low cost User Reg
> script.

Thanks for the many tips...still checking them all out.

I read through the recent comparison of the main Nukes (phpNuke, 
myPhpNuke, and PostNuke), and thought PostNuke looked like the best for 
my needs.  I like the fact that a Nuke can handle authentication and 
session details "out of the box", and with the recent PostNuke Pheonix 
API, it looks like I could write a module for the neighborhood directory 
(if there isn't something like that out there already) and have it run 
on most future versions w/o much hassle (always a good thing).

The main fear I have with the Nukes is their overall complexity...I 
don't have a lot of time to manage the site after initial setup, and 
will likely get next to no help from other neighbors.  I really don't 
need all the bells and whistles, or have the time to keep news content 
from getting stale.

Would you happen to have any links to a "stripped" Nuke site that 
doesn't use the news as it's main page I could use for evaluation?

Charles Steinkuehler
charles at

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