first root (was Re: Linux at UMKC)

Mike Coleman mkc+dated+1048735804.f91d2e at
Wed Mar 12 03:30:12 CST 2003

Gerald Combs <gerald at> writes:
> ...I remember it clearly, because it the was the first Unix machine on which
> I had the root password.

Ah, yes, my first root password...  :-)

My first root password was for a group of HP workstations at the UCLA Computer
Science Department.  I don't recall the model, but this was around 1988 (and
they were slow even then).  They didn't come with X, but rather some other
lame windowing system that HP was pushing.  We had to add X ourselves.

The cool thing about these is that the department got them on some grant and
turned them over to the grad students to administer.  That's enlightenment.
As I recall, the guy that bestowed the root password upon me made sure I knew
that I was going to get my ass kicked if I messed anything up...  :-)


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