AIX blows its foot off

JD Runyan JRunyan.Lists at
Mon Mar 10 17:09:01 CST 2003

I think it has to do with some drivers that IBM has been adding to the kernel 
to support RS/6000 machines.  Most of which are wholly IBM intellectual 
property, but SCO will count on the technical incompitence of a court room to 
score on this one.  AIX in its current itteration is mostly IBM code and GPL 
stuff.  The remnants of SCO are fading with each major revision.  They just 
don't have the stake in the OS that they are counting on to successfully 
blackmail IBM.  SCO should also remember that IBM let OS2 die rather than 
give in to the blackmail that MS tried to do.  They lost some short term 
market share, but in the end IBM is still riding a big blue wave.  

On Monday 10 March 2003 10:21, Bill Cavalieri wrote:
> SCO woud also  need to prove that any aix code made it into linux.  Last
> time I checked aix programs don't run in linux :)

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