Linux at UMKC

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at
Mon Mar 10 15:24:43 CST 2003

It's interesting to note the evolution of the naming conventions at UMKC, from 
parsifal, a mythic character to prariedog, a cute nucance, to news/e2k.

I don't believe the news server was ever publicly accessible - the web servers 
were the only things that ever saw daylight, and those were under pretty strict 
control from Central Communications (make sure the University is presented in 
proper dignity and is sufficiently vague about anything it says it can or will 

If I knew someone studying Computer Science at UMKC, I would advise them to 
change their major to English, with a minor in Business.  The ability to 
communicate ideas and information clearly to others is the greatest asset you 
can bring to any job.  Logic, History, and Literature will give you a better 
underpinning for code structure than endless hours of details of an obsolete 
programming language.

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