Unicode Support?

Jason Clinton clintonj at umkc.edu
Wed Nov 6 17:39:01 CST 2002

Hash: SHA1

I realize some of you may not have experience with this here it is anyways:

I recently ripped Sigrós from CD to OGG format using Grip (which is GTK+ 1.2
based and a front end for cdparanoia and oggenc) and the accented character
won't display when I type 'ls' at the console. Interestingly, when I tab
autocomplete the file names, the charcters do apear for latin characters but not
some of the more esoteric unicode characters. So, I think I have two problems:

1. Certain commands (like ls) still don't have unicode support
2. My console font supports ISO 8859-1 (Latin) but not Unicode

Anyone know a good console font for UTF8?

Additionally, GTK displays everything fine but Nautilus (GTK2) doesn't. I get
the file name with some wierd characters followed by (Invalid Unicode). XMMS
displays # where the unsupported characters in it are. Is Unicode support in
Linux this piss-poor or did I do something wrong?

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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