Changing IP Addresses

Rusty kujayhawkbb at
Sun Feb 3 03:39:00 CST 2002

Hello to everyone who's given some great advice and info from
the list. Thanks to all for everything I've gleaned over the
past couple of months. I have a couple of issues I hope someone
has some experience with.

I'm using RedHat 7.2 and have a couple of oddities happening.
The only way I seem to be able to get an IP address change to
stick is by doing a reboot. I KNOW this shouldn't be happening,
but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've tried setting
it from the command line with ifconfig, with linuxconf (gui and
command line), netconf and netconfig. Each time, the old address
still shows up with the ifconfig utility. When I reboot,
everything is as it should be. When I've used the ifconfig CLI
utility, I do a network restart (/etc/init.d/network restart)
and that takes eth0 down and back up...with the OLD address.

The next issue is also about IP addresses, and follows this one
up. I had access to a small lab for awhile, and installed
several 7.2 machines from a CD image made with Norton Ghost. All
the boxes came up with the same IP address (as you would expect)
BUT they were all live on the network and could browse the
internet - with the same IP address! Now, that isn't supposed to
be possible is it?

The last issue is with inittab - my box is set to default init
level 5, but comes up as in level 3 - just a CLI login. I can
startx after logging in, but, why is it not booting to the GUI
(please, no "flames" about GUI vs. CLI...I use both  :o) )

Thanks for your assistance...

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