EULAs (Was: Re: XP Performance)

Marvin Bellamy Marvin.Bellamy at
Wed Dec 5 22:13:08 CST 2001

Unfortunately, I'm afraid our politicians have sold out.  I wasn't aware 
of this until last week, but apparently M$ has been giving multi-million 
dollar discounts on their software to state governments. 
 Coincidentally, there's also a lot less pressure on the court system 
for stiffer penalties.  M$ certainly knows they're "home free" since 
their monopolistic practices picked right back up early this year...

Very scary to think that with enough money, you're immune to justice in 
this country :(

Edgar Allen wrote:

>    [...]
>>common sense in the business world that you can't hide part of the contract 
>>from the client until after the sale is final. That would be like buying a 
>>car, and as you're ready to drive it off the lot the salesperson says to you 
>>"You can do anything you want with the car you just paid $30,000 for except 
>>drive it."
>It seems to me that yhe XP clause having you agree to accept any
>changes MS sees fit to install removes the ability to depend on any
>other clauses not being changed after you have installed and been
>running for some time, like whatever MS thinks is a resonable
>"lifetime" being the point where deactivation occurs.
>Such a one sided "contract" seems overreaching to me and therefore
>should be null to begin with.

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