No subject

Steve Johnson sjohnson at
Sat Aug 25 18:28:33 CDT 2001

Well said.  If you want that kind of society, move the middle east.

Although a Mad Max society would be OK if I was the guy in the helicopter...


>===== Original Message From Brian Densmore <SMTP:DensmoreB at> 
>Whoa! I have got to agree with Monty on this one. As flawed as our system
>is, it works for the most part; better than some; worse than others. I
>hate to see our world devolve into a Road Warrior society, where there are
>no laws and only vigilantes. Plus, if you go out and start taking out the
>bad guys, the some of the ones that survive will just become more
>and violent. It's an almost never ending spiral of increasingly violent
>And where do you draw the line on retaliation? Do you attack my server
>hosting 50 innocent people to get back at the one who violated the use
>agreement and has since been removed from the system?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Patrick Thurmond [mailto:p_thurmond at]
>Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 12:43 AM
>To: Monty Harder
>Cc: kclug at
>Subject: RE:
>Yo Monty, its lovely to live in a world where the victimizers get punished
>by the law, but we all know its a dream world. And as lovely as those
>righteous morals are, I know for a fact we can't rely on our government to
>truely "Enforce" the law. Face it, if its gotta be done right, you gotta do
>it yourself. That whole distinction line BS is why so many crimes happen.
>B/C they know we won't (our feel we can't) do anything to stop them and
>protect ourselves. Its a vicous circle, but personally I would love to see
>some vigilante go scare the shit out of the local criminal population. And
>would support that person. If the government wasn't so whipped by the
>anti-cruelty panzys out there then we would have only about 10% of the
>that we have now. Personally I say the heck with the cops, we will have to
>stop the criminals ourselves. The government isn't doing its job. It isn't
>serving the people anymore. The government is the MICROSOFT OF POLITICS.
>  Monty Harder <lists at> wrote:
>8/24/01 7:03:39 AM, "Cox, Michael" wrote:
>>"EVER?"'re saying that no one has the right to protect themselves
>>or their family? Is that what you're saying? Because that sure *sounds*
>>like what you're trying to say...
>The Line is the distinction between self-defense and retaliation. If I am
>attacked, and I neutralize the immediate threat,
>I am not justified in using force to punish the aggressor. As a civilized
>human, I have delegated my natural right to use
>force in retaliation to a neutral arbiter. This is the moral justification
>for the existence of government - read the
>Declaration of Independence for details. Crossing that line is vigilantism,
>or Hatfield/McCoy, Crip/Blood,
>Protestant/Catholic, Jew/Moslem, Serb/Croatian perpetual civil war.
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