lost printer port in upgrade

lowell lowell at kc.rr.com
Mon Jan 17 20:31:04 CST 2000

"Thomas, Leonard" wrote:
> I was able to get the RH upgrade done going from 5.2 to 6.1.  Only took 2 hours
> of searching there web page to find my problem.  Unfortunately I now have a
> different problem.  I or the system can not find the printer port.  When trying
> to configure my printer I get the message that it can not fine lp0, lp1 or lp2.
> Any ideas on how to proceed would be appreciated.  I have an HP DeskJet on the
> port and it worked just fine under RH5.2.

I just now found myself in exactly the same boat; any 
help from anyone would be greatly appreciated!




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