invite to topeka for technical talks and workshops

Mark Hutchings mark.hutchings at
Wed Feb 27 11:06:37 CST 2013

Hi Mike,

     Have you checked around Lawrence?  I know back around 7 years ago, 
there was a group of KU students (20+ at times) that would meet up once 
in a while for a linux meetup.  Though it was on the KU campus, it wasnt 
limited to just KU students.   This doesnt quite answer your original 
question, but Lawrence is right around the corner from Topeka and might 
be a lot easier for you to travel to.

     I cant find a web page on this meetup, but maybe one of these guys 
in this group could help you. (KUSP: 
Kernel/User Systems Programming).  And then there's FudCon that was held 
back last month, which you might want to plan to attend next year if 
they have another one.

     Another tip is LinuxPro Magazine is published from Lawrence, KS.  
Maybe one of the guys there could point you to a group closer that 
you're not aware of.

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