Bank websites

Billy Crook billycrook at
Wed Oct 6 09:35:05 CDT 2010

I've been with a particular bank for some time, and really liked their
online banking when I started. HTML only, no iframes, csv downloads,
quick, few images.  I may and or may not have been able to automate
things with curl......

Anyway.  It has gone to shit over the last year or so with their
outsourcing various products.  There are now 5 or 6 separate domain
names involved, and popup windows for various functionality.  Do not

So I'm looking for a new bank to move a small savings, all my
checking, all credit cards, and all my retirement to.  I want to be
able to see all transactions from any account on the same website.  I
do not want monthly CC bills that I have to send checks to pay.  All
bills and statements must be available electronically, in Free
formats.  Extra bonus points for SENDING them to me so I don't have to
log in to get them.  I need the ability to issue checks to payees
electronically.  I need to ability to download transaction histories
in csv.  I will not accept any bank that even hints at using flash,
java, silverlight, or installing plugins to use their site.  If can't
have any obviously negligent security bugs.  And I don't really want
dongles, keyfobs, or second authentication factors that involve human
interaction.  Bonus points for clientside ssl certs.  It also must be
a WEBsite, not an IE site.  All that said, I realise I will probably
have to compromise a bit, well, a lot.

I'm asking for recommendations.  If you have really pleasent
experiences using your bank's webinterface, I'd like to know what you
like about it, and who the bank is.  I don't care a lot about interest
rates, or branch locations and hours.

Because this is a bit sensitive of a topic, I do not expect many
people to provide that information on list.  If you would like to
provide it anonymously, you may do so by posting it to any
google-indexable place on the web, under any name, via tor if you
like.  Just include the string Toskyegyun somewhere in the page.  I
have a google alert on that word, and other list members can see its
results as they accumulate at

If you're particularly impressed at how well your bank website works,
and would like to show it off at the next lug meeting (sans login
page), let me know and I'll make sure to be there.

Once I pick a bank, I will be moving everything from my old one to it,
and letting them know what about their website made me leave.

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