
Eric Johnson ericlj63 at
Wed Feb 13 09:17:16 CST 2008

On Feb 13, 2008 8:23 AM, Billy Crook <billycrook at> wrote:
> There's a difference between "unfriendly" and "not automatically
> detected".  If you want unfriendly, look to lexmark.  As I understand

I would include the Canon Pixma multifunctions in the unfriendly
category. I have an MP450 and had to get a 3rd party closed driver to
support the scanner and everything.

I maybe could have made it work given time, but I needed both the
printer and scanner up and running in about 2 hours.

(Of course, this was a few months ago and the whole
support/non-support may have changed.)

Even with that, if I need something to look "just so", it's better to
hook it up to my Windows laptop instead of my Linux desktop.


Eric Johnson

"Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure: where your treasure,
there your heart; where your heart, there your happiness."
Saint Augustine

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