WoW on Wine - Blizzard Still Banning?

Jon Moss mossjon at
Tue Jan 9 09:06:29 CST 2007

Well, I got some new hardware (completely "new" Dell
270) and got kubuntu installed.  Got Gimp and Wine
installed as well. 

My daughter, who this computer is for, plays WoW, but
usually on her brother's computer, which is a Windows
XP workstation.  I asked her for the WoW CD so I could
attempt to get it working under wine (I found some
good howtos so wanted to see if it would work). 

She told me flat out not to do that because Blizzard
will ban your account, claiming you are cheating,
using 3rd party applications (bots) if you run WoW on

I found a few old articles on this, but also found one
where Blizzard unbanned the Cedega users (but nothing
about wine).  

Is this still the case?  I don't want my daughter's
account to get banned just because I'm curious and
want to see if I can actually get this to work. 

I don't play grpahics RPGs.  I'm stuck happily


Jon Moss

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