Anyone have a spare machine?

Frank Wiles frank at
Wed Jan 4 11:10:48 CST 2006

On Wed, 4 Jan 2006 16:56:36 +0000
Luke-Jr <luke at> wrote:

> On Wednesday 04 January 2006 06:25, Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> > I am looking for something that would run KDE / GNOME well enough
> > that I don't misinterpret its performance as a bug. I suspect video
> > card + 900 MHz machine would do the job. Although, beggers are not
> > choosers.
> + a crapload of RAM
> Unless you use only very few applications at a time, even 1 GB won't
> be enough. I generally sit around 3 GB RAM usage-- mostly swapped,
> which kills performance.

  Or you could just use less applications at once.  I run Gnome all
  day on a laptop with only 384 MBs of RAM.  It's my primary work
  station and I never run into serious performance problems. 

  I typically have the following running constantly: 

  *) Several ( 5 or more ) terminals 
  *) Sylpheed
  *) Firefox with several tabs
  *) X-Chat
  *) Gaim 
  *) Lifrea

  And I use OpenOffice randomly during the day... so basically don't
  get the idea that you have to have over 1 GB of ram to run a modern
  Linux desktop, as I hardly ever end up swapping. 

   Frank Wiles <frank at>

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