Help!!! my box has had a stroke

kulua at kulua at
Sun Sep 19 20:23:59 CDT 2004

Gary Hildebrand <ghldbrd at> wrote ..
> Fortunately it still works for e-mail, but I have a fair amount of
> critical files, and I can't use Konquerer to shuffle them off to disk.
> Shy of kissing everything goodbye and re-installing -- is there anyone
> who could help me either re-install KDE or extract the files to a CD or
> two, so I can continue?  It would be easier if I could bring things in;
> my house is crammed and I can barely navigate as it is.
> FYI system here is SuSE 7.2 and I have the CD's.  I'm wondering if I
> could configure the ethernet card and simply transfer files that way,
> burn CD's and then go on from there???  It took a power bump just one
> too many times and fsck just ate up the inodes.
> Gary Hildebrand
> St. Joseph
if you have a spare drive arounnd that has a fair ammount of capacity you could just tar -cpsvj /mnt/hda[X] > /mnt/hdb[X]/badpart.tbz in to a realy big tbz file probably from some bootable livecd or suse disks that would require mounting im assuming /dev/hda1[or where your linux partitonis] to either another disk or partitio that has plenty of space.  you can also be more specific if you know exactly what you want/neeed from it.  ie /etc /var/www /home /.... and just tbz those up real quick.  I have had excelent luck with just archiving the whole thing though.  I evin back up my windows boxes that way. i have quite a fiew 4 gig tbz's around for that reason.  also Mc has some good features for that as well if I recall archiving is a newer addition to it. 

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