LARGE scale email

crash 3m crash3m at
Sat Sep 18 23:25:33 CDT 2004

better start reading, there are many options that may or may not make
your mail server secure...if you want 'ultra secure' unplug it and
lock it in a bank vault.  Any service that is connected to the
internet is potentially vulnerable.  As far as which email server to
use...everyone usually has a personal favorite.

On Sat, 18 Sep 2004 11:35:03 -0500, Phoenician
<phoenician at> wrote:
>  Just out of curiosity, what would people recommend for large scale
> email? (what distro and application)
> I'm not wanting to start a flame war, just get opinions from people in
> that have had more experience than I have in large scale email.
> That said, here are the factors for consideration:
> 1) I am migrating email from a Win32 environment to a *nix based
> environment. :) I am working with people that I have to remind that
> Linux is not a singular all-encompassing distro (ie: that Linux does
> means Linux but rather SuSe, Redhat, Mandrake etc..)
> 2) It must be ultra-secure.
> 3) Large scale means over 1,500 mail boxes and approx 350 to 400
> domains.
> Thanks,
> Michienne.
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> Kclug at

Got gmail? I do hahaha

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