Game programming

D. Joe kclug at
Mon Nov 29 14:59:14 CST 2004

On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 12:20:26PM -0600, rsobba at wrote:
> I am not a gamer but an on again off again home OOP programmer. I need
> something to keep my interest up while I am learning. Have any of you done
> any game programming? I am wanting to program in C++ and Open GL but am
> curious about the graphics end of it. Will I need to create images using a
> package like Adobe Illustrator first or is this all done somehow within
> Open GL.

I use various molecular graphics programs (eg, PyMOL) that use
OpenGL.  I can say with pretty good certainty that the images
these programs produce are made "de novo" by the program itself,
on the fly, without having to be pre-produced in something like
Illustrator or (to stick with free software stuff) the GIMP or

If memory serves, tuxracer uses OpenGL.  As it's an open source
program, it might be worth taking a look at.

D. Joe

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