Another call for hardware.

Brian Kelsay BLKELSAY at
Thu Jul 1 17:18:16 CDT 2004

I already have  Paypal acct set up or could get mailed items, but let's's hold off until tomorrow 
til we hear what else is needed.  I can post the details of where to send funds then.  Unless Hal 
or Jason want to handle that.  I'm just volunteering since it was my bright idea last night.  I 
know I should have been drinking.

Brian Kelsay

>>> djgoku <djgoku at> 07/01/04 12:54PM >>>
> Sounds great, except I probably won't be at the meeting (still trying to
> make it to KC for a meeting <sigh>).
> Would it be possible to setup something so remote folks could donate via
> pay-pal, mail a check, or otherwise contribute?
That pay-pal account wouldn't be hard to setup, not a bad idea either.
I think hald/jclinton would be the ppl to talk to.


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