Resizing Reiser

hanasaki hanasaki at
Tue Aug 17 12:03:17 CDT 2004

The tools from vcom (partition ccommander) have been great!  I used to 
use partition magic but switched a few years ago.  The $50 is worth it, 
to me, in saved headaches.  If you resize the partition with your 
kernel, and are using lilo, don't forget to rerun lilo from knoppix or 
something.  Generally I put a 100meg partition at the front of my disk 
that is a completely self contained linux install.  Its a nice quick 
rescue tool.

Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
> On Thursday 12 August 2004 12:09 pm, Brian Kelsay wrote:
>>Were you booted to the LiveCD at the time you ran this last night?  You
>>were talking in IRC about looking for the file on the CD, but you never
>>said you booted to it.  
> I was trying to find a way to search the Live CD images for specific tools, 
> and versions of those tools.
> I did, of course, boot to a live CD - a couple of them in fact - in order to 
> do the resize.
> The problems with the swap partition, as I said, were the reason for delving 
> into the resize, not anything to do with the resize process as far as I know 
> (since the swap partition wasn't mounted).
> I think I'm being failrly clear about this.  The system was not unstable prior 
> to resizing, was essentially non-recoverable after resizing the / partition 
> even though the /boot partition was untouched.
> I may have done this in the wrong order.  Davud Brain said the correct 
> procedure was:
> 1. delete your partition with fdisk
> 2. re-create your partition with the new size
> 3. run resize_reiserfs on the new partition
> I did essentially the reverse, I ran resize_reiserfs, then used parted to 
> resize the partition.  When I ran reiserfsck it complained about corruption 
> requiring the --rebuild-tree option.
> At the risk of introducing further issues and confusing you more:
> I think there was also a problem with the versions of software on the disc 
> compared to the Gentoo 2004.1 install CD I tried to use to recover.  When I 
> chroot'ed to the HD after unpacking the stage3 image, I kept getting 
> segfaults on things like "ls" and "emerge".
> While someone suggested that this was because of continuing corruption on the 
> volume, I think it far more likely that there are significant differences 
> between a fully updated 2004.2 system and the 2004.1 installer - possibly a 
> new gcc or library.  I might have had better luck recovering using a 2004.2 
> install disk, but decided to quit messing around.
> In any case, I wiped the partition and am starting over, and there have been 
> no unusual errors.

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