PHP 5 ?

DCT Jared jsmith at
Thu Nov 20 16:32:57 CST 2003

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 17:10:14 -0600, Chris Bier wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>Bradley Miller wrote:
>| Has anyone installed and started playing with PHP 5 yet?  I'm curious on
>| how I could get both on one box (PHP4/5).  Back when the PHP3/4
>| was happening, the old extension was .php3, so it was fairly easy.  I
>| want to be able to swap over, test and then swap back if anything goes
>| . . .
>| Any suggestions?
>I would suggest adding another line in apache to work with .php5 files,
>or whatever you want, then point those files to the PHP5 module.  a la

Because Apache 1.3 is the latest version officially approved for php4, I 
suggest you run two versions of Apache simultaneously: 

Apache 1.3.x with PHP4, and Apache 2.x with PHP5.

Use the PORT command in Apache httpd.conf file to configure PHP5 
for a port other than the default (80), and both will run happily.


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