Spam Advise

zscoundrel zscoundrel at
Fri Mar 28 03:16:48 CST 2003

Using an automated electronic device to annoy or harass someone is a 
criminal offense subject to a $500 fine for each occurrence.

The law was written originally to stop harassment via fax machine or 
war-dailing modems, but it was written loosely enough to apply here too.

Luckily it is seldom enforced but if one of the spammers calls the cops, 
they will come looking for you.  Most probably would just delete the 
excess crap, they tons of hate mail every day anyway, but someone scummy 
enough to run a 'weenie enlargement' spam scam could be a big enough 
reprobate to call the cops.  (They are probably to stupid to realize how 
obnoxious they really are and self righteously believe they are doing 
nothing wrong!)

Aaron wrote:
> Hello all.
> First off, let me say that I am not one of those anti spam zealots.  No, 
> I don't much care for it, but my philosophy is a delete key is pretty 
> good for a nominal amount of spam.  This is not an e-mail bashing the 
> moderators of this list for not adequately protecting me from spam.  
> However, lately it seems to be getting pretty bad for me.  I receive 
> anywhere from 800-1000 emails a day and roughly 700-900 of them are spam.
> After careful discussion with my wife I have come to a couple conclusions.
> One, My genitals are plenty large and do not need another 3 inches.
> Two,  I do not need Viagra (Natural or otherwise) from any online pharmacy.
> Three,  I don't need to meet horny singles in my area.
> Four, I have no desire to see young sluts sucking c##k.  (At least not 
> for $29.95 a month)
> Five, I do not need a new mortgage loan.
> and Six,  I probably do not have time to make an additional $1000/wk 
> from home.
> Because of this, I have implemented some filters on both my mail server 
> and my personal machine.  They've cut my spam intake by roughly 20%.  
> That still leaves hundreds of e-mails a day coming through.
> So I came up with another idea...  I've developed a system by which 
> incoming spam is either filtered or gets sent (manually) to a script 
> that strips the header off and saves the e-mail address it was sent 
> from.  Once the address is on the list, all other e-mails that contain 
> spam from that e-mail, or others sent to be put on the list are routed 
> to every e-mail address currently on the list.  What this does is send 
> roughly 800-1000 spam e-mails a day back to the people sending me spam.
> My question to the group is this:  What do you think the legal 
> ramifications of this are?  I've thought of people spoofing the headers 
> or hacking an account and using it to send spam.  My system would then 
> flood unsuspecting people with all my spam.
> I would also leave all my headers in tact to make sure they know who's 
> forwarding it to them.  That way, hopefully they will remove me in an 
> effort to stop the flow of their own e-mail coming back on them.
> Any thoughts on this?
> Aaron

A marble traveling at 22,000 miles per hour would strike with as
much force as a 400-pound safe traveling at just 60 miles per hour.

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