Request about the Zoss Mailing List

Bob Batson rcb at
Tue Mar 25 19:03:20 CST 2003

At 8:24 PM -0600 3/23/03, Dana wrote:

>What I think you are asking is for an ISP that will also host.
>If that is true then I have no recomendations.


I wrote and asked him to clarify the type of ISP he's looking for. 
Today I got the following note

"I have always assumed that just hosting the list without hosting the domain would be complicated, involve relaying, and just be more
complicated than necessary. I have assumed that the list would be 
part of a relationship that included hosting my domain and a few POP 
mail boxes."

This reply makes me wish all new computer users should be required to 
show a rudimentary knowledge of computers before they are allowed to 
use one .Sort of like what all automobile drivers have to pass before 
driving. <sigh>.

Bob Batson
rcb at

"Chocolate is the true opiate of the masses!"

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