One last thing about Flash

Bradley Miller bradmiller at
Thu Mar 20 14:47:18 CST 2003

At 09:17 AM 3/20/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>In stead of that I add them to the /etc/hosts file with an IP of
>so when the browser goes to look for those adds it just gets the loop back

Don't worry -- some companies are picking up on this practice also and
you'll soon be seeing sites that deny access if such practices are
used.  The reason?  Because you are using their site in a manner that they
have not allowed.  They have to have advertisers to pay bills, and if you
are circumventing the system, then they should have every right to deny you
access to the site content.  You'll note that things like Time magazine are
not "free" on the web . . . they either charge you or give it to you "free"
with a subscription . . . but it's not just a smorgasbord for web surfers
to pillage what they want.

Hey -- it's just not on the web that this type of thing is happening . . .
with TiVo's and other "creative" solutions, the advertising on TV is
becoming less and less effective . . . so advertisers are working to get
prominent product placement INSIDE the shows on TV.  There has always been
the "oh so subtle" approach, but I think you'll be seeing it more blatantly
now that the power of the clicker has been increased.

It's nothing personal . . . just business.  You know, that thing that gives
us a paycheck every week or so?  No ads, no $$ for bandwidth.  No
bandwidth, no site.  No site, no network/server needs.  No network /server
needs . . . no need for Linux.

-- Bradley Miller

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