Fun CVS toys

Charles Steinkuehler charles at
Tue Mar 18 00:42:47 CST 2003

I've been following the CVS thread, and thought I'd jump in with a 
favorite CVS goodie, TortoiseCVS:

Maybe a bit OT for a linux group, being a windows app, but the desktop 
integration and ease-of-use impressed the current prima-donna head of 
software development enough he now wants me to setup a CVS box to 
replace SourceSafe!

Of course, the new code server will be a linux box, since I don't trust 
CVS on NT enough to entrust it with production code (not that I trust 
SourceSafe with that either, but that wasn't my decision! :)

Anyone else have any favorite CVS tools?

Charles Steinkuehler
charles at

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