More on "Censorship"...

zscoundrel zscoundrel at
Sun Mar 16 05:51:58 CST 2003

You want a real eye opener, get a short wave radio set and poke around a 
bit.  It is amazing how similar and yet completely different the news 
stories are.

When you actually see what the rest of the world is seeing and hearing, 
it is surprising.

Even more interesting is what people learn in other countries.  The wife 
of one of one of my ham radio buddies is from Thailand and even though 
she is in her forties and had the standard amount of education, and 
speaks passable English, she had no clue that man had ever set foot on 
the moon!

Bob Batson wrote:
> At 11:03 AM -0600 3/15/03, Jim Herrmann wrote:
>> Thank you Jason for reframing the issue in such an articulate manner. 
>> It really is about the corporate media conglomerates weilding it's 
>> mighty economic power to punish an individual's freedom of speech.
> [snip]
> The only thing unusual about the Dixie Chicks being "censored" at some 
> of the radio stations in the United States is that was even done. Often, 
> not reporting about anything remotely controversial is the way the media 
> & the US Government usually handle such things. I'm more surprised that 
> this was even reported -- at least in any of the US papers.

A marble traveling at 22,000 miles per hour would strike with as
much force as a 400-pound safe traveling at just 60 miles per hour.

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