More on "Censorship"...

Bob Batson rcb at
Sat Mar 15 22:25:43 CST 2003

At 11:03 AM -0600 3/15/03, Jim Herrmann wrote:

>Thank you Jason for reframing the issue in such an articulate 
>manner. It really is about the corporate media conglomerates 
>weilding it's mighty economic power to punish an individual's 
>freedom of speech.


The only thing unusual about the Dixie Chicks being "censored" at 
some of the radio stations in the United States is that was even 
done. Often, not reporting about anything remotely controversial is 
the way the media & the US Government usually handle such things. I'm 
more surprised that this was even reported -- at least in any of the 
US papers.

Bob Batson
rcb at

"Chocolate is the true opiate of the masses!"

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