
Jeremy Fowler jfowler at
Wed Mar 12 20:52:45 CST 2003

Every era eventually ends, every empire will fall, and nothing ever lasts
forever. Rome used to be the capital of the world, now it's just a tourist trap.
Why did the Roman empire fall? Because they became too arrogant, self-righteous,
and indignant for their own good. They made too many enemies and it's leaders
were too weak and corrupt to keep the empire together. Sound familiar? Its human
nature to be jealous of what other people have. Jealously breeds hatred, hatred
eventually turns to war. I would like to believe that we as a race have grown
and learned from our past mistakes but sadly I know better. Our knowledge of the
universe we live in has increased. We use that knowledge to create new and
fascinating technologies. We try to use that technology to better our lives, but
in the end we just develop new and ingenious ways to kill our enemies. Why?
Because human nature is still the same as it was thousands of years ago.
Caligula said "Let them hate so long as they fear", and it seems to me that's
exactly the stand Bush is taking. Our nation used to be by the people for the
people. Now it's a media run wholly owned corporate conglomerate where congress
men are bought and sold to the highest bidder and anything goes - if you have
the cash. Now a days if you speak up against your government your chastised as
unpatriotic or labeled as a conspiracy theorist. But the government is very
interested in what you have to say. They know that change is inevitable, and
that the only way to keep power is to keep tabs on it's enemies - home and
abroad. They need to squelch any uprisings before they get started. They bottle
feed the masses their disinformation and propaganda and the public takes it as
gospel. The truth is its going to get much worse before it gets any better...

However, there is nothing like a little government oppression to bring out the
best in people. It took decades of racial hatred to bring about the civil right
revolution that breed people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. It took
a scandal like Watergate to reinforce the checks and balances of power in our
government. It will probably take an event as equally historical to reverse the
damage that is being done today. That is why I believe the world is run and
controlled by a small group of history book publishers... ;-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jennifer Dozar [mailto:ijiwax at]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 1:18 PM
> To: Jason Clinton
> Cc: Jeremy Fowler; phoenician at; Kclug
> Subject: Re: jobs?
> On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Jason Clinton wrote:
> > Jeremy Fowler wrote:
> > > Yeah, I just found that out... :-( However, Crystal Reports is
> covered as long
> > > as the training will be used in their current job function.
> >
> > Not to stray too far off thread or be an insensitive cod or anything but
> > -- does anyone else feel like the world has been sucking more than usual
> > lately? I mean, seriously. It just feels like society is coming apart at
> > the seams.
> Yes, American society does seem to be falling apart.  I am honestly
> starting to fear for Freedom. I saw a poll on the news about the bill that
> monitors everything people read. and 53% of the people in Las Vegas
> (that's where i live now) thought it was a GOOD IDEA!! I felt so appalled.
> I have been unemployed since August.. I still haven't found a job. I am
> back in school tho, so hopefully that might increase some chances of a
> job. The job situation isn't much better anywhere else.  Maybe our
> government should concentrate on fixing OUR country, not destroying or
> fixings other countries. Fix the economy... I really hate being out of
> work. And I am not entitled to Unemployment. Whatever i guess.
> But i know how you feel.  And I honestly believe that our society IS
> coming apart at the seams. I could go on for a while on arant but i won't
> ;) i shall spare your eyes ;)
> --
> Jennifer Dozar
> *******************************************

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