
Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at
Mon Mar 10 22:15:22 CST 2003

Quoting Robert Kennedy <erwin_k_r at>:

> Just to put a little perspective on this. When I took
> computer programming classes at UMKC in 1982 & 1983
> they were just getting rid of the last few key punch
> stations. 

I did Cobol, Assembler and RPGII at Penn Vally in '91 or '92, and the RPG stuff 
was all on cards, but the Assembler was on terminals.  I don't think they had 
any outside access back then.  Since RPG is basically just a card sorting 
program, virtualising the old patch boards for the sorters, it makes a lot of 
sense on cards.  System390 Assmebler really rocks!  It's one of the reasons I 
never had the patience to learn programming on the PC.

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