Linux at UMKC

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at
Mon Mar 10 17:15:38 CST 2003

Quoting Jason Clinton <jasonclinton at>:

> Well, it's confirmed. The USENET server is gone. It was taken down from 
> lack of use. Before it was gone, though, you could access it from 
> outside the university campus.

Could you actually access it from an ISP rather than the U's own dial-up modems 
(or did they outsource those)?  Did it requre a valid user account?
> I guess I could scan then entire 134.193.x.x octets for an active NNTP 
> server (there might just be a rouge one out there) but I'll have to 
> think about it.

I would think that a bootable floppy distribution would come in very handy 
around campus, say in the Library.

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