ISO downloads.

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at
Thu Jun 12 14:54:32 CDT 2003

Quoting christopher downs <cdowns at>: 
>     Why dont you goto the vendor site select a mirror and wget your  
> desired distro ? if internet speed is the problem have someone on cable  
> download and burn it for you. 
I have a subscription to RHN, and all I could get for the 9.0 release was 
about 20CPS - and that IS over a cable modem. 
All of the sites bog down from time to time, especially after new releases.  
In fact, was hosed for pulling down MDK9.1 disk 3 when I tried  a 
couple of weeks ago. 
It'd be great to have a program that would check the lag/load on a list of 
mirrors and pick the best one for the moment.  You'd need some sort of 
dedicated service that published the current mirror list and didn't bog down, 
and some way to test several mirrors without having to sit through several 
minutes of connect/download time. 
The biggest problem with Mandrake's update feature is that you usually can't 
connect to the mirror it picks, or you get incomplete/corrupt files from it. 

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