Without getting flamed, can someone answer me a question?

Duane Attaway dattaway at dattaway.org
Fri Aug 15 14:47:04 CDT 2003

On Fri, 15 Aug 2003, ismgr wrote:

> I was reading about the SCO deal and to be quite honest, I don't really 
> understand the argument.
> That said, and not to cause a flame war, could one of you that is much 
> more familiar with this issue enlighten me?

Someone explained this who argument quite well on ./:
An Allegory: The SCO Poker Game (Score:5, Funny)
by Gourou (123409) on 05:51 PM August 14th, 2003 (#6700893)

It's a saloon in the wild west.
There's a poker game on. Texas Hold 'Em.
There's five cards on the table.
The first player is from Utah.

He says "I got Ace High. I win the hand."
The second player. They call him the Finn.
He's got lots of friends, says "Show me your cards then."
Utah says "No, just hand over your cash. You don't need to see my cards."

Then the third player, Bluebeard pipes up: "Well I got a flush. So I beat 
ya anyway."
Utah says "Show me *your* cards then."
Bluebeard replies "Nope. I'm gonna wait to see your lame ass ace."
Utah smiles nervously "Did I say ace high? I meant four aces. Yeah. Four 

Now the silent fourth player, Berkeley pipes up
"Well I got a Royal Flush and I've had it since the flop."
But Utah has turned to Joe at the bar and says
"Well, you owe me $32 for this game."
Joe looks puzzled "But I ain't even playing the game."

Utah gets a mean look now and starts sweating.
He pulls his guns and shouts "Look, just give me your money now. No 
questions. I MEAN IT!"
Suddenly Utah is surround by a whole boatload of guns.

There's Joe Public, he has no guns, but good fists,
Linus the Finn and his friends have guns, but they rarely use them,
they're rumoured to be really quick on the draw.
Berkeley is calmest of all, he's won a gunfight just like this one 

Finally Utah turns to Bluebeard. He has a shotgun.
Bluebeard smiles, and pulls the trigger.
And that's the legend of how old SCO died.

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