
JD Runyan jrunyan.lists at
Wed Nov 27 16:16:49 CST 2002

On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 09:55, John O'Brien wrote:
> I would like them to install a DSL or Cable modem
> in a linux box (a 486 I'm setting up with SuSe 8.1
> personal).  The supplier wants a lot of money for a
> router.  What I read says, install the modem in the
> linux box and let it be the router.  But never having
> actually done it, I'm not sure.
> Am I correct?
I would suggest getting the standard external modem with ethernet
connectivity.  Your Linux box would have 2-NICs, one for the internal
network, and one for the cable/dsl modem.  Set the linux system up to do
dhcp on the internal network, and NAT.  You then use private addressing
on the internal network.  You can then use the cheaper single dynamic IP
services from the provider.  You also have the flexibility to change
providers on the fly, if the one you choose isn't working out.  Just
change out the external modem for the new one, and plug the cable into
the linux box.  The only config that may have to be changed, is whether
or not the Linux box has to do PPOE.  SuSE's YAST makes it easy to
configure the NAT, and the dhcp client and server.
Jason D. Runyan
Mid-Range Systems

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