An Introduction - Moving to KC

Bryan Richard bryan at
Mon Nov 4 17:49:10 CST 2002

Hello All,

I just wanted to poke my head in and introduce myself. I don't actually
live in the KC area but, after 7 years in LA, I am moving, as it were,
home. The sad result of my stay on the West Coast is that I don't really
know what the tech climate of the Kansas City area is. I realize it is
probably a bit slow, but I'm more interested in what companies are
using, how Linux is doing, what the general feeling on Open  Source is,

So, a bit about me:
I'm a developer/consultant in the Los Angeles area. I was the Conference
Chair for PHPCon 2002 ( I do a bit of work for
Linux Magazine on PHP Journal and I am the publisher of Py
(, a zine for Python developers. Obviously, I do
quite a bit of work with Linux and Open Source technologies. Ugh, this
sounds a bit too much like an advertisement. It's not meant to me.

In any case, it's reassuring to see an active KCLUG and I'm seeing some
good jawboning on this list, so much so that I'm starting not to sweat
the move quite as much. ;) Again, hello and anything you can fill me in
on KC, I would really appreciate.
Be well,


bryan at    (
bryan at    )

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