Everest [WAS: AOL - High Speed Cable]

Duane Attaway dattaway at attaway.org
Tue May 21 14:16:13 CDT 2002

On Tue, 21 May 2002, Gene Dascher wrote:

> FYI,
> I was looking at the Acceptable Use Policy (link on
> http://www.everestgt.com/customerservice.html) and noticed this:

<evil, evil, evil things that salespeople fail to mention> 

> Customer may not run a server in connection with the Everest cable modem
> recreational service, nor may Customer provide network services to others
> via the Everest cable modem service. Examples of prohibited programs
> include, but are not limited to, mail or simple mail transfer protocol

> (smtp) server, 

there goes all the non-spammable throwaway mailboxes

> http server, 

there goes the webcam

> ftp server, 

does anyone use ftp anymore?

> internet relay chat (irc) server,

and I wanted to be a node on efnet

> dynamic host control protocol (dhcp) servers, 

interesting, but I'm not sure why someone would want to assign numbers to 
the outside world

> domain name servers (dns),

obscure and insigificant for the home user, but I'm not sure what the harm
would be.  Would be interesting.

> news or nntp servers and multi-user interactive forums.

Now that's the last straw!  Why must big corporations run all the means of
communications and take away community run forums?

> Although it doesn't say anything about VPN access, so it seems better than
> Comcast right off!

A VPN through Everest would be a valued resource, much like a telephone
line through a glass wall at Leavenworth.


The only way they will take away my ports is by prying it from my
cold...dead connection!

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