Speaking of jobs . . .

Michael mogmios at mlug.missouri.edu
Thu Jul 11 19:29:36 CDT 2002

> >Global economies are just fine on paper . . . I'm going to India
> >for a freakin' job.
> They're fine in reality, too. When you come back from India,
> you'll be more able to work at the gas station on the corner,
> or drive a taxicab. As you tour India, you'll be astonished at
> how much luxury you've been surrounded by all your life, and
> you thought you were poor. People in North Korea are eating
> grass to stay alive.

At least they CAN eat grass I guess. Try picking berries or nuts here and
people will probably have you charged with tresspassing or theft and if
not the government thinks you should pay a tax on all that food you hand
picked for your own survival.

> Somewhere on your journey, in a way no words can match,
> you'll come to realize why immigrants take the jobs nobody
> wants, and humility always wears well in job interviews,
> especially in the tech sector which is full of people who
> think they're better than they really are.
> Yes, being laid off sucks, but dying of starvation is what people
> in North Korea are facing. Get a humbler perspective, and you
> become more grateful for what little you have. Works for me.

I'm not disagreeing with you really. I just think we have to earn more
money here because it's been made impossible to live off anything
reasonable. You can't just build your own home, grow your own food, etc.
First you have to work 10 years to save the money to buy your own land,
get permission to cut your own trees down to build a home, get permission
to build a well and septic tank, etc. Then even after you're
self-sustaining you still have to have a job or else you can't pay your
taxes and the government comes and takes away your land. Even worse if you
get caught below the poverty line in this country in many ways you cease
to exist. It's hard to find a place to live, get a vehicle, find a job,
etc because everyone wants references and credit checks and such. I
wouldn't say it's harder than North Korea but it's a whole different set
of problems people face here.

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