a series of stupid questions about kmail

Jim Herrmann Jim at ItDepends.com
Sat Feb 23 05:50:03 CST 2002

You can use Kmail to get mail from POP or IMAP mail servers.  I'm not sure if 
the internet based mail programs allow direct access with a fat client.  I 
know Netscape does.  Kmail, of course, can retrieve mail from as many servers 
as you want, and put the results in different folders.  It's great at that.

I say loss the Hotmail account.  That's a M$-Passport account.  There are 
plenty of other web based free options.  

Having your own domain definately has it's advantages.  I love having mine, 
itdepends.com.  I have it hosted at hostrocket.com.  I don't even really use 
it as a website very much.  I mostly use the mail and mailing lists.  For 
example, when I sign up for a service on the web, I use something that 
identifies who I'm giving my address too at my domain, i.e. 
passport at itdepends.com when I was forced to set up a passport account to be 
able to download a song that I had already paid for.


On Thursday 21 February 2002 09:34 am, Eric Gilliland wrote:
> Hello All,Let me preface this message by saying please forgive my
> ignorance. I have some questions about kmail and other Linux mail programs.
>  I use web-based email (hotmail and yahoo).  Is it possibe for me to set up
> any of the KDE mail programs so I can use those as a mail handler, or does
> this require a standard mail server?  Can I set up my machine as a mail
> server itself, just to handle my mail, or would I require a domain name to
> do this? Are there any email programs I could use with hotmail to get my
> web-based email?  I am reading the kmail manual, but I appreciate any help
> I could get.

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