The C is dead, long live the C

Adam Turk aturk at
Mon Feb 11 02:47:38 CST 2002

>>   Color-based source is an idiotic idea.  Right off the bat, what do
you do
>> with red-green color blindness?  B/W printers?  Using color to
>> information that's already being conveyed in some other way (italics,
>> underlining, shaded background?) is fine, but color can't be the only
>> method.

>A free operating system is an idiotic idea. Right off the bat, how do
>think programmers will work on it? At nighttime? People need to make a
>living! Plus, even if it succeeded, it would destabilize the economy by
>undercutting the legitimate operating systems, built by professionals
>know what they're doing. Free operating systems are toys for children,
>mission-critical enterprise operations...

></sarcasm> In other words,

>I propose we move beyond the point of calling creativity idiotic.


Yer stepn' on th' toes of th' free werld, man. Even if Color-based
source is not a good idea, it is an interesting idea. In the '70's,
desktop computers were considered a bad idea. But, I fairly sure you
aren't typing from a dumb terminal, Monty. You are probably right,
color-based source most likely creates unnecessary overhead on many
sides. But one or two ideas encapsulated in the scheme might be useful.
They may inspire something better. I garantee you the first pure fourth
gen language won't be black and white. Color will play an increasing
roll in computer programming as we begin to meld organic and machine.


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