ADV:Harvest lots of Target Email address quickly

Marvin Bellamy Marvin.Bellamy at
Mon Apr 22 18:19:07 CDT 2002

Ten steps to a brighter future:

   1. Linux becomes easy to install and configure for everyone
   2. The technically challenged start using Linux
   3. People start to realize that there is more than one operating
      system in the world
   4. People start to realize that Linux does a lot more for a lot cheaper
   5. Software companies realize there is a market for Linux users
   6. Hardware manufactures realize there is a market for Linux  drivers
   7. The Linux desktop becomes a viable alternative to the average users
   8. Linux infiltrates into every sector
   9. Microsoft's monopoly is vanquished, accomplishing what the DOJ and
      politicians have taken payoffs NOT to do
  10. Computer geeks stop bitching about M$ products and having to
      interface wiith them
  11. Bill commits suicide in a public restroom after his empire shrinks
      to a mere 50 billion dollars

Of course, the Linux community can continue to brag about being the only 
geeks on the block who can complete a Suse installation and actually 
listen to MP3s...

DCT Jared Smith wrote:

>>Also, you ten year estimate seems *way* off to me.  If there's a strong 
>>commitment, it could be done in a couple years.
>What's the hurry?

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