slackware install from nfs

Duston, Hal hdusto01 at
Mon Apr 8 17:23:39 CDT 2002

Marvin Bellamy [mailto:Marvin.Bellamy at] wrote:
> Anyone ever do an install with packages on an NFS server?
> I set up an NFS server with ProNFS on a windows box.
> When I view my exports, everything looks fine.  My
> packages directory is exported as /d/slackware.  However,
> the installer gives me a message indicating it can't find
> the package directories on the NFS server.  It is however
> successfully communicating with the server.

Do you see the directory mounted when you switch to Alt-F2?
That will re-confirm all communications things are working
correctly.  Also make sure you are exporting _exactly_
the directory containing the a, d, n, etc directories.

I was unable to get it to work in two steps, i.e. mount
some dir, and then have the packages in another dir below
that one.  You need to make sure you are mounting the dir
containing the packages.

It has been a few months, but I did get it to work in the


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