@Home and DHCP

Charles K. Lee II chuckx at cold-sun.com
Wed Dec 19 15:24:34 CST 2001

On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 08:47:49AM -0600, Brian Densmore wrote:
> After they left, I did a little tweaking and got my laptop and
> my home server to connect via static IP and routing table entries. I
> could not make it work with DHCP.

I'm not familiar with the way @Home has their network setup, but I do
remember somebody mentioning that you have to give a specific hostname when
registering with their DHCP server.  For example, if you use dhcpcd, this it
the command you would use:

dhcpcd-2.2.x -h "foo" eth0

As far as I know, the hostname should have been provided to you by @Home.

If I'm completely off the mark, there should be an @Home customer on the
list who can correct me.

Also, are you using the IP that was originally given to your laptop as the
static IP on your server?  Or did you just make one up?  Just curious.

- chuckx | Charles K. Lee II -
- chuckx at cold-sun.com -
- http://www.cold-sun.com -

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