Tricking webserver into believing

Brian Densmore DensmoreB at
Fri Dec 14 14:40:54 CST 2001

Anyone know how webservers query browsers for OS and browser info? I
need to force my box at home to make 2 certain web addresses believe I
am coming in from Windoze, with Explorer or Netscape 4.7 and using 128
bit encryption. There has got to be a way to do this.
I am currently running Mandrake 8.0 with a 2.4.16 kernel
KDE 2.1.1 and
Konqueror 2.1.1
and Netscape 6.x

I have talked with one of the sites and it's like talking to a stone
I have Konqueror supposedly transmitting a different string (user
agent), but the servers always come back with the default value (well
one does anyway, the other just gives me a raspberry). One of the sites
supposedly supports Redhat 6.1.


Brian Densmore
<mailto:densmoreb at>
CompuTech Business Solutions, Inc.
(816) 880-0988 x215 

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