ease of use debate

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at opus1.com
Thu Dec 6 16:42:30 CST 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marvin Bellamy" <Marvin.Bellamy at innovision.com>

> Then, Linux should surrender the mainstream desktop market to
> M$ since they can do it better?

Essentially.  We should let them go for the bottom of the market while "we"
skim the cream off the top - serious servers, serious/advanced/power user

I've worked for companies that were busy fighting their way to the bottom of
the market.  They won - they're out of business now.  I've also worked for
companies who didn't want to offer the cheapest product to the largest
market, but who offered consistent quality at a higher but reasonable price.
I still own stock on some of them.  They're still around, and they'll be
around when MS is a memory.

> There's a lot of bitching about Win* products..

If you use MS products, you don't have to think or learn about computers,
wich leaves you plenty of time to bitch about things you don't understand,
like how they're written.  Most of the noise comes from whiners who would be
making just as much noise no matter what you gave them.

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