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Franklin, Joel JDFranklin at
Sat Aug 25 20:51:39 CDT 2001

>One thing you might want to remember when defending yourself: Shoot to
This is bad advice. Someone is going to ask you what you were trying to do
when you violated that poor dead criminal's civil rights, and you'll have to
say that you wanted to kill a man; this doesn't sound good. So never try to
kill a man who's trying to kill you. Instead, try to stop them, so that you
can have this conversation with the police:

"Officer, I was afraid he was trying to kill me and I wanted him to stop."
"You mean you killed him in self defense?"
"No, sir, I wasn't trying to kill him; I just wanted to stop him."
"And you were willing to do whatever was necessary to stop him?"
"No, sir, I was afraid I was going to die and I wanted to stop him."
"So you wanted him dead instead of you."
"No, sir, I simply wanted to stop him."
"That's why you emptied a clip of .44 magnum hollow-points into his chest?
"Yes, sir. Then I took his guns away from him."
"How did his wallet come into your possession?"
"I thought it was a gun."

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