
Baker baker at cyborgworkshop.com
Fri Aug 24 13:47:53 CDT 2001

Basic difference.  A hub is just one big wire that every computer shares.
When every computer is on one big wire, only one computer can transmit
data at any one time.  So you lose some bandwidth and get what are known
as collisions.  Collisions themselves aren't really that bad, its just when
you get a lot of them, such as when 8 guys are on a hub playing quake,
that you can start to see some serious problems.  A switch on the other
hand is a more intelligent piece of equipment that prevents collisions on
the wire.  Instead of acting as one huge wire, a switch acts as more of a
traffic controller, detecting when a computer is sending and then shunting
the traffic to the destination computer instead of just placing it on the
In short, if its just a few dollars difference, you will  be much happier,
and able to grow more, with a switch.

...and the geek shall inherit the earth...

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