your mail

Mike Coleman mkc at
Fri Aug 24 00:54:07 CDT 2001

JD Runyan <jrunyan at> writes:
> I know someone who runs an application like this.  He says legally the other
> machine made a request for service, and your machine is simply responding to
> that request.  Needless to say they didn't know that answer was going to be.
> Whether or not that holds up in court, who knows.

Personally, I wouldn't go there.  I imagine this hasn't really been hashed out
or anything, but you could make the argument that this is like setting a trap,
which in the "real" world is generally illegal, no matter how justified the
person who sets it may feel or be.

If someone's causing you real problems, I'd pursue it legally instead.

(That notwithstanding, I'd be won't be at all surprised if/when script kiddies
start burning down those systems with their cmd.exe's hanging out.)

Mike Coleman, mkc at

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