Dual NICs Problems

Monty Harder lists at kc.rr.com
Tue Aug 21 04:14:14 CDT 2001

8/20/01 1:56:54 PM, "Jonathan Hutchins" <hutchins at opus1.com> wrote:

>Yes, it then becomes the router between the two subnets if you turn on IP
>Forwarding.  You would then configure your clients to the two different
>subnets, even if you leave them on the same physical net.

  Could this be the whole problem with his setup?

  Machine X pings eth1, which comes into the box.  Now it's time to "pong" back to the sender...  
What interface does that go out on?  Is it automatically the 
same one that the ping came in on, or does eth0 get priority just because it's first one listed on 
the subnet box X lives on?

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