AMIOPEN: Linux, free software and its industry. (Was: Lo ki Software seems to have filed for bankruptcy.)

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at
Mon Aug 20 15:39:23 CDT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Densmore" <DensmoreB at>

> I never really understand what the big deal is. All the license says is
> need to distribute the source code. It doesn't say you have to install the
> source code. So a company modifies some GPL code, stick the source on a CD
> and distribute the machines. How many people are going to actually look at
> the source, especially if you don't tell them they have it?

I think the actual phrase is that you must "make the source code available".
You'll recall that some distributions do not even include the source code on
the CD's, although it's available for purchase or download.

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