Meeting topic - security test

Rocky McGaugh rmcgaugh at
Thu Mar 23 16:38:44 CST 2000

yes, i think this is a very good idea.

Frank mentioned scanning yourself, but i argue that usually, ipchains
will specify an interface to apply the rules to, so you'd need a scan
from an external source anyway. Some people dont have a shell on a 
remote machine.

as others have pointed out though, i dont think using a list would be
the best implementation. Maybe have a webpage with a 'scan me' button.
have it pop up the holes, with explanations of why those holes should be

timeouts could be a problem though... a UDP nmap scan can take a very 
long time. maybe have them enter their email address, click on the
button marked 'scan me rotten, baby', and it will email them their report
when its done?

just ideas...lemme know if i can help


Rocky McGaugh                                      Atipa Linux Solutions
Product Development                              
rocky at                                       rmcgaugh at

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, steve doerr wrote:

> Some questions:
> Would this be useful?
> Would others be willing to do scans as they showed up on the list?
> How should something like this work?
> What does everyone think?

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